2025 Membership

As requested by members at the 2024 AGM, and with the approval of the ANZSNR Council, membership subscription fees will now align with the financial year (01 July – 30 June).

Subscription notices for the 2025–2026 period will be distributed in late May 2025, covering the period from 01 July 2025 to 30 June 2026. Current members will not be billed for the interim period from January to June 2025, ensuring a smooth transition to the new billing cycle.

We greatly appreciate the continued support of our members throughout 2024 and look forward to serving you in the coming year.

ANZSNR ASM 2025 Early Bird Registrations NOW OPEN

Early Bird Registration are now open

Delegates who register early go in the prize draw for a dinner voucher for two people at the award winning, three chef hat restaurant, Wildflower in Perth.

Perfect for the Friday night, enjoy a farmer-and-forager-driven 8 course menu of dishes revolving around the indigenous six seasons with paired wines valued at $800!

To REGISTER NOW please click here   

For full details on the ASM including the Provisional Program and details on the special accommodation rate at the Ritz Carlton please visit ASM website


9News Story - Life-Saving Pediatric Stroke Intervention: The Role of Interventional Neuroradiology

ANZSNR member, Associate Professor Ronil Chandra, an Interventional Neuroradiologist at Monash Health, Melbourne, highlights the urgency of swift medical intervention in paediatric stroke cases. When 16-year-old Martin Herzog suffered a stroke, rapid action led to life-saving surgery. Within minutes, a clot was removed from Martin's brain, preventing what could have been a lifelong disability. 

Watch this 9News story to learn about the remarkable work of interventional neuroradiologiy in saving lives.

Consultation for Post Nominals and Grandparenting for INR

The College is seeking feedback on the proposed post nominals for the two post fellowship training programs for Interventional Neuroradiology (INR), as well as the proposed grandparenting process and criteria for existing Fellows to be able to apply for the post nominals.

The consultation closes on Wednesday, 14 August 2024.

To access the documents and for more information, visit: https://www.ranzcr.com/our-work/consultations

ANZSNR members are encouraged to review and feedback on the documents by the close date to interventional@ranzcr.edu.au